The four colors above are available for all sizes. The colors will show up in the drop-down lists, be sure to choose 2 for each leash you order The leash on the right is made from mellow leather. It's Pumpkin and royal blue Mellow. The leash on the left is Black and Gold Metallic
Extra Long Leashes, Medium & Lightweight
Cleaning your Leather
There are many good products at Tack Shops as well as on Amazon. Do NOT use a cleaner with yellow color. Over a short time your leather will loose it's color. Honey not good, Apple Brand Looks good, says it's safe on all colors.
Sourced from reputed tanneries that can work with us to provide the highest quality.
Leather Leashes and collars that will
last for years. Even if the puppy bites it or chews. Return it to us and we will
repair for no cost, just shipping.